Diagnosing TMD

Our doctors will perform a complete evaluation including:

  • Review of your medical, dental and pain history
  • An examination of your head and neck muscles, nerves, jaw joints and mouth
  • Additional testing or imaging as needed

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We often recommend a conservative and reversible approach to treatment. Research has shown that conservative treatments and self-management of TMD is the most successful. Our goals for treatment are to decrease pain and increase jaw function and prevent further damage or injury.

Treatment often includes:

  • Self-care techniques
  • Splint/Night Guards
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medications
  • Stress Management
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Surgery Consultation

Suggestions for Self-Management

  • Avoid clenching and grinding of your teeth by keeping them slightly apart and the jaw relaxed
  • Avoid excessive chewing- gum, fingernails, pencils, etc
  • Limit excessive jaw opening during yawning and eating
  • Use cold packs or moist hot compresses
  • Massage painful muscles
  • Perform jaw stretches and exercises as taught by your doctor or physical therapist
  • Limit stress and use relaxation techniques

Rocabado 6 by 6 Exercises

The purpose of the Rocabado 6 by 6 exercises is to teach jaw, neck and body postural awareness and correction to relieve TMD symptoms. These exercises can help restore a more normal joint function and mobility, and can help achieve a more comfortable and normal muscle position.

Six Basic Exercises for Initial Postural Correction of the Jaw, Head & Neck (Download)